Are you struggling with being single after a soul-crushing breakup?

Are you contemplating leaving a marriage, situationship, relationship, or romantic dynamic that you know isn’t working but can’t quite seem to cut the cord?

Are you still stuck on your ex even though he put you through hell?

Here’s the thing, baby…

Heartbreak can either destroy us or revitalize us.

We can view the end of a relationship as a death or the ultimate rebirth.

We can leave claw marks in the things that are not meant for us, or we can let go and become the baddest, boldest, bravest version of ourselves.

When I think about my own life, I realize that the BEST things have happened after a breakup. After making some crucial shifts, I was able to make my heartbreaks the biggest motivators of my life.

I was suddenly so lit up creatively that ideas flowed from me like a champagne tower.

I had boundless energy to go ALL IN on my goals without burning out.

I felt hotter, happier, and more radiant than ever.

I suddenly had the courage to ask for big f*cking things and I began creating magic in my life and my business.

Here’s what you need to know: The version of you who once required less is not the version of you who is going to her next level. Let’s turn your breakup into your ULTIMATE comeback.

As Grace Jones once famously said, “in a room full of people, want yourself first.”

You're ready to feel energized, confident, hot AF, and in love with YOUR life again.

You’re ready to stop settling for subpar relationships.

You’re done feeling like a fucking psycho when it comes to love.

It’s time to get over THEM for good – you know who I’m talking about.

You are hungry for a complete confidence overhaul so you can truly know your worth and walk away from anyone who doesn’t value you.

It’s time to stop chasing unavailable partners and start choosing YOURSELF, boo.

It’s time to walk away from the low vibe bullshit that’s keeping you small and stuck.

It’s time to finally realize that you deserve more.

together, in this bootcamp we will:

Learn how to decenter men so you can become the focus of your own life

Look at the reality of your last (or current) relationship and ask the hard questions to help you let go of what no longer serves you

Rewire your brain so that a partner’s disinterest or bad behavior becomes an immediate turn-off

Reconnect with your inner muse, your truest self, and come back home to who you really are

Get excited about your own goals and dreams again and come up with an actionable plan to start making them a reality

Romanticize your life by learning how to elevate the every day with small changes to your home, your daily rituals, your personal style, and more


Imagine feeling so lit up and turned on by yourself and your life that a relationship is not the most important thing anymore.

Imagine being able to ask for what you want – and know how to walk away the first time when you are not getting it.

Imagine having unshakable confidence where rejection no longer rattles you.

Imagine being so obsessed with your own world that you naturally attract high vibrational men who only want to add to your own happiness.

Imagine knowing how to truly trust yourself when it comes to dating.

Imagine feeling radiant, sexy, and truly at home in your body.

Imagine committing to yourself before anyone else.

You deserve the coaching, resources, and sisterhood to finally let go of what drags you down so you can level up in your life.

Does this sound familiar?

You are constantly attracting and fixating on unavailable partners (emotionally or otherwise). 

You feel like you wind up with projects, not partners. You always find yourself trying to “fix” someone or date them based on their potential.

You are in a relationship that you don’t know how to walk away from.

You don’t feel like you recognize yourself anymore.

You watch all the TikToks, YouTube videos, and listen to all the podcasts abut knowing your worth and feel really inspired, but you still can’t seem apply these things to your own life.

You feel bored and burnt out by your dating life. 

You feel confident in other areas of your life, but when it comes to love everything feels like a train wreck.

You gaslight yourself into thinking you’re “too much” when all you are craving is the bare minimum.

It feels like toxic relationships are your norm. You don’t even know what healthy love looks like.

You tell yourself things like, “Nobody’s perfect” so you accept less than what you truly want in a partner.

Your mood is controlled by what’s happening in your romantic relationships.

You stay in relationships that do not serve you much longer than you should. Something in you is afraid to walk away.

You regularly abandon your boundaries – or don’t even have them at all.


Hi! I’m Cara Alwill. Best-selling author, host of the top-rated Style Your Mind podcast with over 11 million downloads, and certified master life coach. And up until not so long ago, my love life was an absolute shit show.

I divorced my husband in January of 2020. After over ten years together, our relationship had become one of comfort. We were great friends, but definitely not lovers. The spark had left the building, and there was just no getting it back. Even after countless conversations and half-hearted attempts at date nights, it was evident that our relationship had run its course.

I probably stayed longer than I should have. I was afraid to leave. And I’m sure he was as well. I was terrified of facing the discomfort that came with unraveling our lives. We were great friends and partners in life. I didn’t want to hurt him. I didn’t want to deal with the inevitable mess that would come along with a divorce. The idea of uprooting my own life was one thing, but to do that to another person that I cared for and respected? The guilt ate me alive. And the “undoing” scared the shit out of me. 

Being alone also scared the shit out of me. Who would I be as a newly single forty year old woman? I had been in relationships for the past two decades. Prior to my marriage, I was in a long-term relationship with my first boyfriend, and after that spent zero to little time being single. I was a master at jumping from relationship to relationship. I was a master at becoming enmeshed with someone else, which I would later discover was a very convenient way of never having to fully be with myself.

The past four years have been a chaotic, beautiful, dazzling dumpster fire. I have found love, lost love, fallen for the wrong guys, become obsessed with even worse ones. I have navigated situationships, countless first dates, dating apps, love bombers, real relationships, unavailable men – you name it. And through it all, I have somehow found my way back to myself.

I have been to hell and back in my post-divorce dating life, but through it all I have gained immeasurable wisdom that has given me a unique perspective on love and most importantly, helped me love myself with abandon.

And if there is one thing I’ve mastered, it’s learning how to walk away and turn my heartbreak into my ultimate comeback.

I’m not perfect. I don’t have a PHD in relationships. But I have a ton of experience, a hot pink diamond-encrusted toolbox of self-awareness that’s better than any diamond ring, and a passion for helping women master the one and only relationship in their lives that counts most – the one they have with themselves.

Join me in this week-long immersive bootcamp where we will ask the hard questions, release the low vibrational energies (and men!), and raise your standards so that you can become the QUEEN of your life.

what you get

3 live group coaching calls with Cara

7 days of custom journal prompts, inspiring mantras and exercises to help you reclaim your power and get over your ex!

A special bonus call replay with my personal coach, Star Monroe, Psychotherapist and Relationship Coach

A curated Spotify playlist with songs to empower and inspire you :)

A “Breakup Baddie Kit” curated shopping list of my favorite books and products on Amazon to help get you back to you

An opportunity for a private coaching session with Cara at a one-time-only special rate


Our program begins on Monday, June 10th. That morning, you will receive an email with your first set of journal prompts to get started. You will receive new prompts every day for a week.

Our live calls will be Tuesday June 11th, Wednesday June 12th and Thursday June 13th at 7 PM ET. All calls will be recorded and you will get the replays.

You will have live access to Cara to ask questions directly as you navigate break ups, dating, divorce, situationships, boundary setting, and discovering your worth.

You will get access to a private, members-only Facebook group to connect with other like minded women on the same mission.

You will also get a special bonus recording with my personal coach, Star Monroe, Psychotherapist and Relationship Coach. Star was crucial to my post-divorce transformation and I cannot wait to share her with you! She is MAGIC.


Tuesday, June 11th - 7 PM ET

Wednesday, June 12th - 7 PM ET

Thursday, June 13th - 7 PM ET

If you can't make the live calls, don't worry! All calls will be recorded and sent to you to keep forever. You will have lifetime access to this program.




Due to the intimacy of this program, spots are limited to ensure everyone has time on the calls. If this is speaking to you, secure your spot now before it sells out